About Council

The WUDC is governed by the World Universities Debating Council, a representative body in which each nation attending Worlds is able to participate. The Council is led by an Executive Committee and distributes proportional voting authority based on historic participation of nations in the competition. The Council meets annually on New Year’s Day.

WUDC Executive Officers


The Chair coordinates and moderates the meetings of the Council and acts as spokesperson for WUDC.

The Chair for this session is Martha McKinney-Perry.


The Secretary writes and keeps the records of Council and maintains contact with participating institutions.

The Secretary for this session is Rushdoon Ahmed.


The Registrar maintains the documentation required for proper governance and preservation of tournament records.

The Registrar for this session is Ayal Mor.

WGM Officer

The Women and Gender Minorities (WGM) Officer promotes the participation of women and gender minorities in debating.

The WGM Officer for this session is Sarenna McKellar.

POC Officer

The Persons of Colour (POC) Officer promotes the participation of persons of colour, racial and ethnic minorities in debating. 

The POC Officer for this session is Anum Naseer.

Equity Officer

The Equity Officer manages the equity committee while promoting the accessibility and equity in debating.

The Equity Officer for this session is Tshi Malatji.

Country Representatives

All admitted countries to Council may have one representative, normally from the dominant country's circuit. They have a number of votes according to their status, based on their level of participation at WUDC. Please email wudc.exec@gmail.com to update your country's information if it appears out of date.

WUDC Country Voting Statuses - Live