Training Resources
Belgrade WUDC Training ProgramÂ
The Belgrade WUDC training program was designed by Jack Synnott and Geneva Roy for the 2022 edition of the championships. The program includes strategy workshops, motion debriefs, and model debates.
The video workshops can be found online here.
Korea WUDC Judge Training ProgramÂ
The Korea WUDC judge training program was created by Klaudia Maciejewska and Hadar Goldberg for the 2021 edition of the championships. The program consists of five modules designed to introduce new judges to the basics of judging in the British Parliamentary format.
The video workshops can be found online here.

WUDC Judge Manual
The WUDC judge manual was recently redesigned and updated by the Korea WUDC 2021 Adjudication Core, in collaboration with the Belgrade WUDC 2022 and Madrid WUDC 2023 Adjudication Cores. A number of minor amendments and clarifications were made in advance of the 2023 edition of WUDC.
This is the authoritative document on the rules of British Parliamentary debating and specifies how debating and judging takes place at WUDC.